Why Is Vertical Lift Technology Important To Your New Jersey Business?
Picture this. You have an office……a big one. In your office you have what used to be brightly colored and vibrant patterned carpet tiles adorning your floor. On top of that are a system of cubicle separators, desks, computers and all manner of office equipment. This is where your day to day business takes place. Its a successful New Jersey office. Its your office.
Now imagine that one day the carpet tiles just start to rip or bunch up. First it started over by the copier, now there is another one next to the water cooler. It is probably time to replace the flooring. A ripped up floor doesn’t make a great first impression for new employees, guests and potential partners.
Part of your job as the boss is not only to make sound business decisions when it comes to your expertise, but you also must make sound business decisions when it comes to things like….well….replacing the carpet. The goal is to the the job done and do it as affordably as possible. After all, chances are you didn’t set aside a budget for “new carpet” until AFTER the carpet was damaged.
What you may not know is that a lot of New Jersey businesses overpay for flooring replacement, and the reason is because they are being charged for the labor and time it takes to move all of your furniture, cubicles, desks and office equipment out of the way and back again. This seems so inefficient, but what else can you do? There is another way.
Forward thinking New Jersey commercial flooring experts employ something called “vertical lift systems.” This is an advanced technology that utilizes extremely simple equipment. Essentially, with the use of small devices that work similarly to a car jack you use to change a tire, your furniture and office equipment is simply lifted up off the ground. The flooring is then replaced underneath, saving you precious time and tons of money.
So when the time comes to upgrade the floor of your office, don’t pay someone to move all of your cubicles for you. Make sure your flooring professional is using vertical lift technology and get it done under budget and before schedule.